Monday, March 26, 2012

The Best Bag Lady

When you see this bag lady at the conference, give her a Big Thank You for taking charge of designing, producing and stuffing the 150 bags that you'll see throughout the time we're together. 
Lynda Viau and the Thunder Bay branch of Mothers' Union took on this task two years ago and were way ahead of the game in planning and fulfilling my request -- I think they've had the bags ready to go for at least four months now.  Each bag will contain a water bottle like the one Lynda is holding and I will take this opportunity to suggest that you fill the water bottle and keep it with you throughout the conference.  There will be no mid-morning or mid-afternoon breaks when tea and coffee are served, so your water bottle and the snacks in your conference bags will have to quiet any rumbling tummies between meals!

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