Sunday, May 27, 2012

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia -- the Holy Spirit is blowing strong and true!  So many details of the conference have been tucked in and we're ready to roll!  I am so looking forward to meeting everybody, worshipping together, sharing, laughing and oh, perhaps just a little bit of singing!!

Hot off the press today (Monday) from our Canadian Chaplain:
Dear Friends
So looking forward to the time together.
If you have not left home yet, please could you bring a photo/print out of a woman or women of faith who has been important to you in your journey of faith. Thank you
Let others know about this so we can have a wonderful display of pictures.
God bless and safe travelling
Christine Rowe

I would like you to meet my daughter Emma as she will be at the conference doing all kinds of odd jobs -- she's one of the 'in-the-know' people so don't hesitate to ask her for assistance if you need anything.  The picture of her at right shows her where she loves to be -- in the kitchen making cookies.  The one that she's rolling out is the last shortbread for the reception on Thursday night -- she has made 7 different kinds of cookies for that event.  Cookies and wine -- how sweet is that????

A short note about the workshops:  everyone got their first and second choice!  And those of you who wished to make prayer beads, you will be given a basic kit at the workshop.  If you wish to upgrade to more expensive beads, you will have to have cash at the workshop so you might want to put some toonies in your purse!

And speaking of purses, Shirin tells me there are a LOT of wonderful donations for the silent auction so also don't forget some larger bills or a blank cheque for any that you might be successful in bidding on!

So this is it - last blog pre-conference.  An ending, but really just a beginning!

Gentle God

breathe love within us,

breathe love between us, from one moment to the next,

You hold us in the palm of your hand.

Shalom and see you soon!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Time to get packing!

7 Days to Go -- Kaching, Kachang!!

I've been making a list of stuff to bring to the conference for several months now and it's rather long.  It's a good thing I'm travelling alone in my car as I don't think another person would fit!

I'm packing my hand drums and shakers as a few of the music selections we'll sing during our business sessions rock better with such instruments.  Rhonda, our  music director, has spent hours putting together binders with all the music for the choir members to sing at the services.  I'm not sure if the drum is needed for any of those selections or not:)

I'm bringing a few Corelle dishes as the breakfasts in the residence will be on paper plates with plastic cutlery.  I would much rather use real dishes so am bringing my own and will wash them in my room.  All lunches and dinners will be in the cafeteria and I have arranged for real plates, cutlery and mugs there but there may be the stray disposable salad bowl or dessert plate still evident.  You are welcome to bring your own mess kit if you wish.

 I've purchased the wine for the Thursday night reception and we've rented wine glasses, so you don't need to pack any of those!

Other items I won't be forgetting will be:
- a dress to wear to the banquet (semi-formal),
- a USB stick with all my MU photos on it,
- songbooks for night-time singalongs,
- the Beautiful Bowl that one of our members created for the silent auction
- my daughter who I've hired as a go-fer,
- my camera!

Thank goodness Rona is in charge of bringing our banner!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ottawa here we come!

Why is a Van Gogh painting gracing our conference blog?  Because going to see a special Van Gogh exhibit at the National Gallery is one of the many options you have for your free Saturday afternoon.  But tickets are limited so you might wish to phone 1-888-541-8888 and purchase your ticket now if you really want to see that particular show.

This exhibit is NOT on the bus tour although those on the bus tour will drive past the National Gallery itself.  For those not going on the bus tour, there are many options, nine of which are outlined below. Muriel has been a busy bee garnering all necessary information for you to get to and enjoy any of those nine sites and sign-up sheets will be available at registration if you wish to have company going to a particular destination.  The sites that she has researched include:
The National Gallery (special exhibit: Van Gogh)
The Museum of Civilization (special exhibit:  God(s): A User's Guide)
The Canadian War Museum
Parliament Hill (security is quite heavy here -- takes a while to get in)
Rideau Hall (home of the Governor General - don't miss the self-guided tour of the grounds)
Rideau Canal Boat Tour
Bytown Museum & the Ottawa River walkway (be prepared for a fairly steep walk)
Rideau River canal walk
Shopping at the Byward Market & Rideau Center.

The Ballroom in Rideau Hall

Do consider ahead of time which of these (or some other spot!) you might wish to visit and scout it out ahead of time online.  The sign-up sheets will be at registration and then will move to the 4th floor lounge until Saturday morning when Muriel will pick them up.  Further instructions as to how to meet up with your group will be announced during the business meeting. 
I hope you enjoy touring in our national capital!

Monday, May 14, 2012


17 Days to Go -- revving up!!!

Cheryl, the conference registrar, and I met this evening and tallied up our registrations.  We have an astounding 164 registrations -- wahoo!!  I am so delighted that so many were able to make the trek to Ottawa for our gathering:)  We will have to squish in for some things, but take it as an opportunity to get cozy with your MU sisters!!

Several people have asked about the schedule so I have posted it below.  It may still change a bit, so wait to see the final version in your conference booklet, but this is how things are shaping up:

Thursday, May 31

9:30 - 12:00 AM Canadian Council meeting 7th floor Meeting Room

10:00 -1:00 PM Registration Reception Main Floor of Residence

12noon – 1 pm Lunch in Cafeteria

1:00 - 3:45 PM Business Meeting Part 1 Amphitheatre

3:45 – 4:30 PM Keynote Address Reg. Bailey Amphitheatre

4:30 Claim luggage and proceed to residence rooms.

5:30 – 6:30 PM Dinner Cafeteria

6:30 Choir practice Chapel

7:00 PM Banner Paraders gather outside chapel

7:30 PM Opening Service & Banner Parade Chapel

9:00 Reception Main Floor of Residence

Friday, June 1

7:30 – 8:00 AM Morning Worship Normandin Room (beside chapel)

8:00 – 8:45 AM Breakfast in Residence

9:00 – 9:30 AM Introduction to our Arctic involvement Kathleen Snow - Amphitheatre

9:45 – 11.55 AM MU in Canada’s North – Cynthia Patterson & team - Amphitheatre

12:00 PM Midday Prayers Rev. Christine Rowe

12:10 – 1:00 PM Lunch Cafeteria

1:15 – 2:30 PM Workshop # 1 – various locations

2:45 – 4:00 PM Workshop #2

4:00 – 5:30 Spiritual Siesta

5:30 – 6:30 PM Dinner Cafeteria

7:00 – 9:00 PM Entertainment & Silent Auction Auditorium

Group Photo


Saturday, June 2

8:00 – 8:45 AM Breakfast in Residence

9:00 –11:00 AM Business Meeting Part 2 Amphitheatre

11:00 –11:55 AM Worldwide Parenting Program Presentation – Amphitheatre

12:00 PM Midday Prayers

11:30 AM – 12:30 Pick up Box Lunches from cafeteria

12:45 Bus tour loads front door of residence

Afternoon Free time for tours etc.

6:30 Banquet Cafeteria

9:30 – 10ish Evening Service - Chapel

Sunday, June 3

8:00 – 8:45 AM Breakfast in Residence

9:00 – 10:30 AM Closing Service Chapel

11.30 AM Everyone must be out of the residence.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


25 Days and Counting!  There are lots of tidbits/housekeeping details that I'd like you to know about so here are some of them:

The address for the Residence at St. Paul University is NOT the same as the university itself.  The residence is located BEHIND the main university building and its number is 201 Main Street.  If you're driving, take the entrance into the parking lot that is just north of the university and keep following the road around the back until you come to this building:

There is a parking lot for the residence just in front of this building (it's obvious when you get there, just not visible in this photo) and parking is included for all delegates staying in the residence.  You must ask at the check-in desk for a parking pass to put on your front dash.  I gather the parking guys are quite strict. 

Registration will take place in the lobby just inside the entrance to this residence.  Please come there to get your nametags and room assignments as soon as you arrive.  Even if you are a day delegate and not staying in the residence, this is where you need to come when you arrive.

Jenny Carter will be setting up a literature table in the lobby of the residence during the conference from Thursday thru Saturday, so be sure to stop by and check out her selection of literature, cards, bags, pins and other Mothers' Union items.  You will have to walk right by her table when you go from the university to your residence room so you can't miss her!

As well as the MU literature, you will also have an opportunity to browse the Diocese of Ottawa's book store which is located inside St. Paul U.  You will be walking right by it when you walk from the residence to the cafeteria, so if that interests you, plan on a visit between 8:30 am and 5 pm when they are open.  There is not a lot of free time in the schedule, so after you've registered Thursday morning might be an opportune moment.

St. Mark's branch from Ottawa will be stocking the 4th floor lounge with tea, coffee and goodies and this lounge is accessible throughout the day.  Members from St. Mark's will be there at peak periods but tea will be available at all times.  There is seating in this lounge so you can sit and chat with your tea if you like.  This is another spot that you could consider if you arrive early on registration day.

That's enough for now but more to come, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Going Once, Going Twice...

Our Mothers Union Conference Silent Auction gives you the chance to scoop up some Super Special Souvenirs!!  We won't be having an auctioneer with a gavel -- it's called 'silent' since there isn't all the auctioneer antics and fast-talking patter to bid the $$ up -- all bids will be written on sheets of paper and the highest bidder at closing time is the winner.  There are some tricks that some (just talk to Kathleen Snow) have used to ensure that they are the highest bidder, but we don't want any wrestling matches this year please! 
All money raised will be going to the MU Parenting Program Fund and the MU Arctic Fund so please come prepared with a cheque or cash to support the auction and these causes so close to our hearts.

Shirin is displaying a Japanese fan and cashmere shawl --
just two of the many beautiful items you have the chance to bid on!

Shirin Theophilus, our Vice President on Canada Council, is organizing the auction on the Friday during the entertainment evening in the auditorium at St. Paul.  The entertainment will take place on the stage and the auction items will be displayed at the back of the auditorium.  Please let Shirin know what items you have for the auction --  her email is  The auction form she would like you to fill out for each item is on this blog under "Forms".