Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Going Once, Going Twice...

Our Mothers Union Conference Silent Auction gives you the chance to scoop up some Super Special Souvenirs!!  We won't be having an auctioneer with a gavel -- it's called 'silent' since there isn't all the auctioneer antics and fast-talking patter to bid the $$ up -- all bids will be written on sheets of paper and the highest bidder at closing time is the winner.  There are some tricks that some (just talk to Kathleen Snow) have used to ensure that they are the highest bidder, but we don't want any wrestling matches this year please! 
All money raised will be going to the MU Parenting Program Fund and the MU Arctic Fund so please come prepared with a cheque or cash to support the auction and these causes so close to our hearts.

Shirin is displaying a Japanese fan and cashmere shawl --
just two of the many beautiful items you have the chance to bid on!

Shirin Theophilus, our Vice President on Canada Council, is organizing the auction on the Friday during the entertainment evening in the auditorium at St. Paul.  The entertainment will take place on the stage and the auction items will be displayed at the back of the auditorium.  Please let Shirin know what items you have for the auction --  her email is shirint@shaw.ca.  The auction form she would like you to fill out for each item is on this blog under "Forms".

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